2008년 5월 7일 수요일

chapter 5. graph

Title: Health beauty in US
In 2001, the rate was 0.7 billions.
This rate decreased a little.
In 2002, it was 0.6 billions.
It had a small growth in 2003.
In 2003, it was 0.8 billions.
The reason of the decrease is the 9.11 terror. After that happen people in US couldn't attention th health beauty as much as they did in past. But as time went the people gradually forgot this and at 2003, a popular movie star told about the health beauty and recommend to take care of their health beauty, so the rate went up again.
We can predict that this rate will increase more if there is nothing happens (like terror or disaster) because the movie star is getting more famouse and more women want to be like her.

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